Twenty-four-hour care is important for the safety and protection of aging seniors. However, what is sometimes overlooked is the fact that this care is also an important part of keeping seniors healthy. As some seniors age, forgetfulness, mobility concerns, and other issues can lead to an uptick in health concerns, but providing your loved one with extra care can help. Learn about some of the ways around-the-clock home health care can keep your loved one healthier.

Infection Risks

The risk of infection is a major concern for aging seniors. For example, for individuals with mobility concerns, sitting and lying in the same position for an extended period can lead to skin irritation, which can lead to open wounds and possibly an infection. 

People with mobility concerns may also be at an increased risk for urinary tract infections, as the ability to maintain good hygiene may also be an issue. In-home healthcare services ensure your loved one's hygiene needs are met and their infection risk is lowered. 

Fall Hazards

A common concern for aging seniors is the threat of injuries related to a fall. Whether your loved one has a hard time going up and down the stairs or finds it challenging to navigate from room to room, this type of concern increases the chance that your loved one could fall and injure themselves. 

For scenarios, the consequences of a fall are often far more extensive than someone who is younger, and for some people, they never fully recover. Hiring an aide to assist your loved one ensures they have the support they need to make it around their home safely.

Mental Health Concerns

It is easy to assume that mental health concerns only affect a part of the population, but everyone is at risk for conditions like anxiety and depression, including seniors. When seniors are stuck in their homes and isolated from ongoing social interaction, these sorts of concerns can take form.

Around-the-clock care does not just mean that your loved one has someone in the home to help them with their daily activities, but it also means they have someone there they can talk with. These casual conversations help limit feelings of loneliness and can help support better mental health.

If your loved one has reached the point where it is no longer safe for them to live alone, contact a home health professional to learn more about your 24-hour care options. 
